$25 $20

Logo Package Swatch

27 ratings
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Logo Package Swatch

$25 $20
27 ratings

No more squinting, digging, and clicking for client color formulas

Logo Package Swatch automatically gathers all the brand color information you need in one easy-to-access location.

Logo Package Swatch converts colors and collects formulas so you don’t have to.

Any seasoned designer will tell you manually copying or retyping color formulas for a color guide is one of the most grit-your-teeth-and-do-it part of brand documentation.

Cut clicks, menu surfing, and retyping

Copying out RGB values one at a time is ludicrous! Swatch puts every color value in a single place and lets you copy with a single click.

Complete Color Control

Swatch automatically converts your colors, but it also lets you customize them, guaranteeing your color guide has the formulas you want for every color space.

Color Guides on Autopilot

Eliminate the fuss of laying out your swatches in a color guide. One click in Logo Package Swatch instantly creates beautiful color sheet PDF.

Permanent Project Color Library

Swatch allows you to save your projects so you can visit them any time you want. If you want access to old colors, just open a project. No need to dig around for a buried ASE file or old color guide.

Pantone Resurrected

Since Pantone and Adobe broke up, it’s become so much more difficult to get Pantone information for colors. Swatch automatically converts your colors to the best Pantone match. Pantone is back in Illustrator — without monthly fees!

Color information in a single click.

How does Logo Package Swatch simplify color collection?

Color Guide Generation
Export beautiful PDF color guides with all your project's colors in a single click.

Color Space Conversion
All colors are converted to HEX, RGB, HSL, HSB, LAB, CMYK, Pantone Coated and Uncoated.

Complete Color Control
Customize the automatic formula conversions with any values you want to match your brand.

Custom Color Naming
Swatch creates fun names for every color you set. Use our names or enter your own.

Copy Everything at Once
Copy a single formula, and entire color, or the whole project with a single click.

Save Projects for Later
Colors are stored in projects which can be accessed anytime via the extension.


Logo Package Swatch requires Adobe Illustrator CC 2021 or newer.

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Logo Package Swatch Extension for Adobe Illustrator CC 2021 and Newer

Color Info
Capture all information about multiple colors in a single click
Color Guide Generation
Automatically generate simple and beautiful color guide PDFs for your clients
Customize Colors
Customize color conversions to match your brand standards
Quickly Copy Colors
Easily copy all color information into your own custom color guides.
Color Library
Save access to color information for all your clients in one place.
Copy product URL
30-day money back guarantee


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